The responsible party (landlord or tenant), as may be agreed upon, has to pay for the charges/expenses to be incurred from time to time. Mostly, it is the responsibility of the Tenant and Landlord can check upon the status periodically.
Sample#1: Letter to Tenant
(in case rent agreement has conditions on repairs payment)
Date: ...............
(Name of the Tenant)
Subj.: Repairs and cleaning of the Flat / apartment
Hello ......,
I hope you are doing well. I wish to check with you about the status and progress on the cleaning and repairs of the Flat, which is due for this quarter. As you may recall we have a mutual understanding on repairs and maintenance matter and you may kindly refer the same which was documented through clause 5 under the rent agreement dated ..........
Trust the cleaning and necessary repairs on damage, if any, has already been carried out. If not, I would kindly request you to do the same within the next 7 days. I would be coming for a visit and will also be checking upon the status of cleanliness and any kind of damage.
If you need any assistance in finding professionals for this work, then feel free to let me know. I shall be happy to assist you for this purpose. I have few good contacts who would do good work at a reasonable rate. Of course, you will have to make up-front payment to them without fail.
Looking forward to hearing from you. Contact me for any assistance / queries.
Thanking you,
Yours truly,
(Name of the Landlord)
Sample#2: Letter to Tenant
(in case no pre-agreement /understanding on repairs payment)
Date: ...............
(Tenant Name)
(Full Address)
Sub.: Maintenance work to be carried out in the Flat / apartment
Hello ......,
How have you been? Trust everything is going alright with you.
I am writing to you to enquire about the status of repairs and maintenance work of the Flat that I have rented to you. This has been almost 7 months since you have been living in that Flat. I hope you have been carrying out regular cleaning work of the Flat to keep it in good state. Although I am sure you must be a careful person in maintaining of things, I would still like to suggest that if there are any damages that have been done to the Flat no matter how minor they may be in nature, the repairs of the same be carried out at the earliest.
Though we have not put any conditions in the rent agreement or discussed about the bearing of repairs costs, I believe that it would not be unfair on my part to request you to do the needful in repairing the things that might have been (unintentionally) damaged by you. Therefore, I request you to check upon the same and do the necessary repairs.
If you need any assistance in getting good service providers in this regard, please do let me know. I know few good professionals in that area who would do a good job and you can very well bargain the charges with them, they will be happy to help you out in the best way possible.
I look forward to hearing from you on the status of this matter.
Have a good day!
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
(Landlord Name)