Thursday, July 19, 2018

Landlord Letter / Notice to Tenant to Increase / Raise the Rent

The terms of increase in rent depends upon the mutual understanding between the parties either in writing (condition mentioned in rent agreement) or orally (as agreed from time to time).
sample landlord letter notice to tenant to increase rent
It would be advisable for the landlord to at first give a gentle reminder in the form of a formal letter to the tenant - informing him about the increase in rent as agreed upon or as justified to be.

If the tenant does not cooperate properly in the matter of raise in rent, then the landlord can write a strong letter to tenant demanding increase in rent.

Here are a couple of formats of the letter to be written by the landlord in two scenarios.

(in case agreement has a condition for increase in rent)

Date: ...............

(Name of the Tenant)

Subj.: Increase of rent from (month)

Hello ......,

Greetings. Hope you are doing well.

I am writing to you regarding the increase of rent for the property rented to you. As per the clause ... of the rent agreement dated ......... , it was mutually agreed that the rent will be increased by 10% in every 11 months. Now that the period of 11 months is about to get completed in the next few days, I thought I would gently remind you about the increase. Therefore, the new rent amount will be a sum of ............ per month from the month of ...........

Trust you will honor the commitments and make the payment of the increased rent amount on time. In case you have any queries in this regard, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me.

Thanking you,

Yours truly,


(Name of the Landlord)

(in case agreement does not have any conditions for increase in rent)

Date: ...............

(Tenant Name)
(Full Address)

Subj.: Increase of rent

Dear ......,

I am writing to you regarding the increase of rent for the property rented to you with reference to the rent agreement dated ......... between us. You would appreciate a period of 15 months have already passed since your stay in the rented premises, however, I have not raised the amount of rent yet. I am compelled to state that with the high inflation in prices and cost of living, it is not justified on my part to rent that property at the current rental amount of .......... I understand you might also be facing the burden of inflation in the economy, hence, I have decided not to increase the rent steeply.

Therefore, I am proposing an increase of rent by 5% above current amount. The new rent amount of ........ will be applicable from the month of .......... A new renewal agreement will be entered into from the said month, I will send you across the rent agreement copy once I receive it from my legal advisor. I request your kind cooperation in the matter. 

Feel free to call upon me anytime to discuss the matter if you so desire.

Have a nice day / evening.

Thanking you,

Yours truly,


(Landlord Name)

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