Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Indefinite Leave Letter from Work Due to Sickness (Sample)

Some diseases aren't curable in a short span of time. It may take months or years to cure them. And, in some unfortunate occasions, these sickness may not be cured especially in diseases like cancer, etc. But the way the science is advancing, a person should always keeps his hopes high because anytime soon the cure of the incurable may be found.

Indefinite Leave Letter from Work Due to Sickness (Sample)An employee of an organization, who is gravely ill and who has been advised by the doctors to be hospitalized or is already hospitalized for an indefinite period for getting the treatment, should as soon as possible intimate his employer by letter or email and should seek leave for an indefinite period explaining the reasons for it. Whether or not the employer will allow is a separate matter. No human could be so unkind to a sick person in such severe cases.

Following leave letter format can be used. Modify it suitably. Add more info as needed. Be as emotional in writing as possible.


Date: ............

(Officer/Boss Name)
(Department Name)
(Organization Name)

Sub.: Request for leave from work due to my illness

Dear Sir,

I am hereby applying for a leave from work for an indefinite period of time because of the serious nature of my sickness. I am sorry to inform you that I am suffering from lung cancer at stage II. My doctors have advised me to start getting the treatment immediately. Hence, I am going to be hospitalized from (date) onwards for treatment.

As you must be aware of such sickness takes a lot time for treatment and the chance of getting fully cured is also sadly a questionable thing. As such, I am not sure how long I am going to be on leave from work for this treatment.

Therefore, I kindly request you to approve my leave for an indefinite period of time. I will be keeping you updated on the progress from time to time if you don't mind. As soon as I get better and in a position to work I will join back at service.

Looking forward to your support at this juncture of my life.

Yours sincerely,

(Name of the Employee)

Encl: As above

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