Sunday, October 28, 2018

Notice Letter to Society Members for Maintenance Charges Due

Every member of a housing society i.e. the flat owners are required to pay the maintenance charges incurred by the society committee for the maintenance expenses of the society. The amount of maintenance charges are generally prefixed by the society committee based on previous year's expenditure trend. If the flat owner fails to pay the maintenance charges in time, then the society committee has the right to seek legal remedies in the matter. But at first they do send reminders on payment to the society members.

Notice Letter to Society Members for Maintenance Charges Due (Sample)Therefore, the society members should ensure that the payment is done timely and if the payment is not done in time then to at least seek additional time from the society committee for making the payment or at least try to amicably decide the payment schedule before the matter goes to court.

Society committee as a responsible committee should operate sincerely in the best interest of the society and hence if any society members are not paying maintenance charges in time or cooperating in the matter properly, then the society committee should serve a notice on the member for immediate payment on the due amount.

Following format could be used. Fill in the necessary details and modify it as may be required in your case.

Template #1
(Simple payment reminder letter to society member - Initially send few times)

Ref: ...................
Date: .................

(Name of the Society Member)
(Flat No. ............., .... Wing,)
(Name of the Society)

Sub.: Maintenance charges payment due but not paid

Dear Mr. ............,

You are kindly requested to pay the monthly maintenance charges for the month of ....... and ............ which are due but not paid by you yet. This has been over ...days since the payments were due but not received by us till now.

As such, you are required to make the necessary payment at the earliest in the interest of the society and oblige us.

Thanking you for your cooperation in the matter!


(Name of the Society Committee Member)

Template #2
(Detailed payment demand letter to society member - Final notice hinting legal action)

Ref: ......................
Date: ....................

(Name of the Society Member)
(Flat No. ............., .... Wing,)
(Name of the Society)

CC to: (Other address of the Society member),

Sub.: Non-payment of due society maintenance charges
Ref: Our letters no. .......... dated ............. and no. ......... dated ..............

Dear Sir/Madam,

We invite your kind attention to our letters no. ................ dated .................. and no. ............. dated ............... sent to you earlier. This is to once again notify you for the final time that the monthly society maintenance charges are due but not paid yet for your flat no.  ...... in the "..." wing of the (name of the society) for last ...months. As you are well aware, every member of the society is required to pay a sum of (amount) per month towards maintenance charges by the 10th day of the succeeding month.

As per the society bye-laws, any delay in such payment attracts an interest on the payment due at the rate of 18% per annum. Hence, you are also required to pay a sum of (amount) towards interest in addition to the maintenance charges due.

We, therefore, kindly request you to pay the above mentioned due amounts at the earliest. You can deposit the payment in cash at our society's office or you can pay it online to the society's bank account (society name ..................... bank name ........... account number ............, IFSC ................, branch ..............).

Kindly note that as per the society's bye-laws, the society committee will wait for a maximum of 6 months from the payment due date to receive the payment, failing which the society committee is required to take legal action against the society member in the appropriate legal forum.

We surely hope we do not have to go that route in your case. Kindly make the payment soon.

Thanking you for your understanding and cooperation in the matter!


(Name of the Society Committee Member)

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