Friday, October 26, 2018

NOC Letter from Society to Flat Owner for Renovation of Flat

Sometimes, for major renovation activities to be carried out for a flat in a society, the flat owner or tenants might have to seek a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the society committee in advance before starting any such activities. It is a permission taken in accordance with the rules and regulations of the society.

NOC Letter from Society to Flat Owner for Renovation of Flat (Sample)It is necessary to seek such NOC in advance because the society committee will then decide whether or not to allow such renovation activity in the near future because of any pre-planned activity and to take some actions based on this viz. issuing notice in general to all members of society to be careful of the construction works carried on in that flat, to put caution banners in the surroundings, etc as may be needed.

At first the flat owner will seek permission through a formal letter or email in writing and then only the society will issue the NOC. The society will not issue the NOC on their own suo moto.

The format of NOC from society could be as under. Modify it suitably as per your requirement. Delete whatever is not applicable.


Ref: ...................
Date: .................

(Name of the Flat Owner)
(Flat No. ....., "..." Wing)
(Name of the Society)
(Phone no.)

Sub.: NOC for Renovation of Flat No. ......

Dear Mr./Mrs. ...................,

We are in receipt of your letter/email dated .................. regarding the renovation work to be carried out in your flat no. ........ from (date) onwards for around ...weeks, wherein you have sought for a NOC from the society committee in this regard.

We have considered your request and we do appreciate your situation and the need to carry out renovation at the earliest. Hence, we hereby convey our no objection for the renovation activities on your flat in the society from (date).

However, we would like to suggest the following:
(1) Next week there will be 3 days of national holidays because of ............ celebration. The kids will be playing around outside most of the time, senior members and others will be mostly expecting a joyful atmosphere free from unwanted noise. Hence, we suggest you to start the renovation activity after these holiday period to avoid any kind of trouble to others.
(2) We also suggest that you put few caution banners / safety signs around the place where the construction instruments (outside the flat and inside the society) are going to be stored. And, do cordially seek cooperation from the neighboring flats to avoid any kind of undesired disputes.

Kindly note that as per the bye-laws of our society (bye-law no. ........), a flat owner of the society is required to pay a fee of (amount) to the society committee in case of renovation of his flat towards administrative expenses in this matter. Please deposit the same at the office of the society and collect the receipt.

Thanking you for your understanding and co-operation!


(Name of the Society Committee's Member)

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