As a Boss or Superior officer or HR head, your duty is to keep on appreciating and encouraging the good work performance of the employees and for other activities that they perform or efforts they put in which ultimately helps in the overall growth of the company.

Sometimes, some of these suggestions do solve the problem or improve a certain thing in the organization. Hence, appreciating the employee for his suggestion would encourage him to suggest in future too.
Here's a format of appreciation letter. You can add or delete necessary lines as per your requirement.
Ref: .....................
Date: ...................
(Name of the Employee)
(Department Name)
Subj.: Appreciation for your suggestions on ..........................
Dear Mr. .........,
We highly appreciate your efforts for providing the valuable suggestions from time to time with regard to the improvement of our ...... product / services or ......... process. The same had been considered by the concerned department. Some of your suggestions have been implemented successfully and we are glad to say that they have proven to be very beneficial as per the feedback received from our Customer Service department and Product Development department.
While it is essential that an employee dedicates his time mostly for completion of his assigned tasks, it is also of paramount help when the employee brings his personal thoughts on the lacuna of the products or any other processes that he notices. We thank you for being prompt in bringing these suggestions to our notice.
We are happy to award an additional incentive amount of ............ for last month in appreciation of your extra efforts in bringing in valuable ideas and giving feedback to us.
We hope you will continue to actively participate and promptly give your suggestions in the development and improvement of the products and services of our company and overall improvement of the working environment which will not only help in the growth of the company but also will benefit all of its employees.
All the very best to you!
Yours faithfully,
For .................. Limited
(Name of the Officer)
(......... Department)
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