Then it would be better to ask that party to return the cheque in replacement for a new cheque. Though it would be best advisable to exchange the old and new cheque simultaneously through personal meeting because such replacement request to that party may raise suspicion in his part.
Hope the following format will be useful.
Ref: .......................
Date: .....................
(Name of the Officer)
(Name of the Organisation)
(Address .........)
(Tel No. ..........)
Sub.: Request to return back cheque issued earlier because of signature error
Ref: Cheque no. .......... dated .............. issued earlier to you against invoice no. ..........
Dear Mr. .............,
Hope you are doing well.
We had issued to you a cheque bearing no. .......... dated ........... for a sum of (amount) on (date) by courier which was delivered to you on (date) as per our records. The said cheque was issued for payment against your invoice no. ............ dated ................ I am sorry to state that there has been a minor signature mistake in the cheque because of which the cheque may not be encashed by you and will probably get dishonored at bank.
Therefore, we want to rectify the error and would like to issue a new cheque to you in replacement for that. Would you be kind enough to send us back the cheque so that we can do the needful from our end please.
I truly apologize for such undesired inconvenience to you from our side.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
(Name of the Officer)
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