Many companies offer salary accounts of a bank to their employees as an additional perquisite. Salary accounts come with many benefits viz. no minimum balance requirement, higher rate of interest on savings, free debit/atm card, free cheque book, points on shopping with debit card, etc.
Generally, regular employees are provided with salary accounts i.e. those employees who complete initial probation period with the company.
The company will have to submit to the bank - the application form signed by the employee along with his identity and address proofs self attested copies for processing the opening of the account.

Nowadays some of the banks have started giving online facility to fill up the form and upload identity/address proof copies.
A cover letter has to be written to the bank mentioning the details of the employee for whom account opening request is getting submitted. This is generally considered as "employment proof" for that employee with that company.
You can modify the following format suitably according to your requirement.
Ref: ....................
Date: ..................
(Name of the Bank)
(Branch Name)
Sub: Opening of salary account for our employee - (Name of the employee)
Dear Sir,
We are maintaining salary accounts for all our employees with your branch office of ......Bank. We would now like to open a salary account for another employee, whose details are given below.
Name of the Employee: ...........................
Designation: .................
Department Name: .......................
Date of joining: .....................
Salary p.m.: ......................
Present address: .....................................
We kindly request you to open a salary account for him as we would like to start crediting his salary to this account from next month onwards. We are submitting herewith the following documents to enable you to open the account for him.
(1) Application form duly filled and signed by him;
(2) Identity proof : Copy of his PAN card self attested by him;
(3) Address proof: Copy of his Aadhar card self attested by him;
(4) Two specimen signatures of him;
(5) One latest photograph of him apart from the photograph affixed in the application form;
The details of account type along with other facilities (viz. ATM, Cheque book, Netbanking, etc) to be availed for his account are already indicated in the application form for your kind information.
We have verified the copies of the PAN card and Aadhar card with the originals. If needed your bank executive may kindly visit our office during working hours to do the verification.
Kindly process the application at the earliest and communicate accordingly.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
(Name of the Officer)
Encl.: As above
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