The performance of an employee of an organization may get poor or even get worse for a lot of reasons, viz. family issues, financial burden, mental disturbances, etc.
Not matter how justified the reason is - an organization always expects the employee to work up to the assigned performance level. Any failure in that leads to poor performance of that organization itself.

In addition to putting more effort to perform better, the poor-performing-employee should also try to show his commitment towards work through other mediums.
One of such ways is to come forward and at least apologize to the superiors at work for being a poor performer and showcase his commitment level for better performance.
The following letter format could be useful. Modify it appropriately as per your circumstances. If you want to write an email then just use the body part of the letter.
Date: ...............
(Name of the Boss / Superior Officer)
(Name of the Organization)
Sub: Apology note for my poor performance at work
Dear Sir,
I would like to sincerely apologize for not being able to perform up to the expected level at work during the last couple of months. I understand it is essential that I should perform best at work not only for the progress of our company but also to ensure continuity of my job in the company.
Though I too believe that making excuses for poor performance isn't very professional, but still I would appreciate if you consider my genuine reasons behind such performance. I had been going through some family issues during the last couple of months which was majorly impacting my mental state and hence affecting my performance at work. Still I had tried to give in my best efforts at work during this period, but the targets were not achieved. I, therefore, wanted to truly apologize to you and the company for not being very resourceful during the said period.
I am now committed to perform better and achieve the targets no matter what the circumstances are. Although I am happy to mention that my family issues are more or less sorted out now and I don't expect to be troubled for that in the near future. My focus at work will be more concentrated and agile, as I so believe.
I hope you will accept my apology and give me another chance to prove my worth in the company.
Thank you for your understanding! I do highly appreciate your constant support during these difficult times. I assure you I won't let you down.
Yours sincerely,
(Name of the Employee)